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Ancient Teachings on the Future of Humanity

September 10, 2012 4:56 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Tony and Lu attended a five day conference with 400 others in Albuquerque, New Mexico in late September to dialogue with indigenous leaders from numerous cultures on the ancient teachings related to the future of humanity on planet earth.

The goal of the conference was to rebirth a wisdom consciousness based on the natural rhythms of the earth at this co-creative moment in time to return the world to a natural order of peace and harmony.  It was an opportunity to explore and re discover what it means to be human in this new cycle of thinking, being and acting.

Although it was somewhat disruptive to take notes during the presentations, the following are samples of the ideas shared.

*Reality is a multifaceted crystal with each of us only looking at one small facet.  Every strand is sacred and unique.

*Balance means returning to harmony in mother father energies, so we can walk the path of love, peace and good will and return to the perfection that we are.  A loving economy is feminine.  Power gets misused because of the illusion of separation.

*We live in the age of meeting ourselves again.

*We all have powerful energy links;, the seeing eye of the heart, the inner divine spot of truth.

*Each step in life is a ceremonial journey of service from the heart.  What is my signature?  What is my song?  What are my colors?  What is the vibration I need to put forth?  Walk, move, speak in the most profound way possible.  Go to heart before you think, and think before you speak.  For we are all in ceremonial play with one another all the time.l

*It is the heart that allows for all of creation to survive in a profound way.  We plant the seed of internal peace in the heart.

*The sun affects our body and changes our perception as it increases its own vibration. Our body moves all of creation, since we are all energy generators.  The earth says, “touch me gently so I can truly give to you the message of the essence of creation.”

*The pathway of peace can only exist in the absence of judgment. and where thanksgiving and acceptance abide.

*All events occur around the spiral in which the world works.

*All of nature is moving toward greater and greater spiritual awareness, because as a system gets more complex, it grows in higher consciousness.  Our heart will reveal to us the diving design of evolution.
We are all co-creating and co-evolving with nature, as nature.

*Heart to heart, center to center, is the only way we can make connections with the emerging new energy field of planet earth.  This is the manifesto for the biosphere.   We know it, even as we are still moving toward it.

*The flame of creative expression burns within each one of us.  Out of the hub of human consciousness will emerge the global community of planetary souls with a DNA that is conscious and intentional, and with a deep commitment to innovate globally as co-creators.”

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This post was written by Sifu Master Lu Molberg

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